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low orbit中文是什么意思

用"low orbit"造句"low orbit"怎么读"low orbit" in a sentence


  • 低轨道的


  • The first thing this satellite needs is a low orbit
  • The same storm caused the atmosphere to inflate and dragged a satellite to a lower orbit prematurely
  • In the lower orbit , scientists will be able to distinguish surface objects as small as 3 feet 1 meter wide , mcewen said
  • For example , it can be used to drag make - up and solar pressure cancellation of low orbit spacecraft , formation flying and precise positioning of small satellite , repos
    同时, mpt也可用于低轨道( 300 500km )航天器的大气阻力补偿,星际航行航天器的主推进,以及星座和小型卫星的编队飞行和精确定位等,具有广阔的应用前景。
  • The space station system inosculates the technology of satellite and manned flight vehicle . it can realize manned flight in the low orbit with more reliability , maintainability , expandability and usability
  • Radio tracking of the trajectory of lunar prospector , which traveled in a low orbit that came as close as seven kilometers to the lunar surface , showed stronger than expected gravity above some of the youngest impact basins
  • According to the characteristic of high vacuum thermal environment in low orbit , it builds the theoretical modeling of the thermal analysis of thermal distortion in optical reflector of antennas system . making use of the results reached by ansys software , it analyzes and compare the stress and distortion of reflector under the static temperature
  • Soon light - weight phones outfitted with high - resolution screen ? which can be embedded in everything from wristwatches to palm - held units ? will be connected to series of low orbit satellites enabling people to talk , send and receive e - mail , or take part in video conferences any time , anywhere
    译文:不久以后,装有高清晰度屏幕的轻型电话? ?这种电话能安装在从手表到手持装置等任何东西上? ?降雨一系列低轨道卫星相连,使人在任何时间和任何地点都能交谈、发送和接收电子邮件或参加电视会议。
  • Such tdrss system can significantly reduce the use of ground - based monitors as well as increasing medium - low orbit coverage , hence enhance the efficiency of the usage of space along medium - low orbit . “ space target capturing and tracking ” ( stct ) is an important technique in data relay satellite system , and is the preliminary requirement to establish the space link . “ performance of analyzing and simulating on tracking receiver in data relay satellite capturing and tracking system ” plays an important role of stct
    数据中继卫星系统是为中、低轨道的航天器与航天器之间、航天器与地面站之间提供数据中继、连续跟踪与轨道测控服务的系统,使用数据中继卫星可以大量减少地面测控站的数量,增大对中、低轨道的覆盖率,有效的利用中、低轨道资源。 “星间目标捕获与跟踪”是数据中继卫星系统的一项关键技术,是建立星间链路的首要条件。
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